
  • – Canadian Corkscrew Collector Club: CCCC
    Originating in Canada, the CCCC is now the largest club with an international membership. Annual meetings alternate between Europe and North America in August or September. Annual fee is US$25.
    Follow the CCCC on Facebook at
    Follow the CCCC on Instagram @corkscrewclubcccc
    Follow the CCCC on Twitter @CorkscrewClub
  • – International Correspondence of Corkscrew Addicts: ICCA
    An international group with closed membership limited to 50 members. Annual meetings are coordinated with CCCC annual meetings to allow members to attend both meetings.
  • – Just For Openers: JFO
    A US based club focusing mainly on openers (caplifters and corkscrews) which feature US beer advertising. JFO holds annual meetings throughout the US. Membership is free including online access to the newsletter.
  • Association of British Corkscrews Devotees and Enthusiasts: ABCDE
    The ABCDE started in 1991 as the English chapter of the CCCC. The ABCDE holds twice yearly meetings at members’ homes (bottle of wine for the host) and irregular mini-meetings at Portobello Market in London. No membership fees or publication. Communication is by email mailing list. Membership is about 40. Contact Richard Stevenson at [email protected]
  • – Club Français du Tire-Bouchon: CFTB
    The French club has annual meetings throughout France and all communication is in French. Currently there more than 100 members, mainly French speakers, representing 10 countries. Annual membership is 70 Euros. The club publishes the impressive “L’Extracteur” quarterly.
  • – Freunde der Stoppelzieher: FS
    Membership is limited to 50. Most members are Austrian. The club meets twice a year, once for Austrian members only, the other meeting is international. Annual fee: 50 Euros. The club journal is produced once or twice a year. It is usually 60-100 pages.
  • – Helix Scandinavica: HS
    Membership is restricted to 15 members from Denmark,Sweden, Norway and, since 2014, Finland. However international associate members are welcome. The 2014 AGM was held for the first time in Helsinki.
  • Verein Korkenzieherfreund: VKF
    VKF has 46 members, about a third of whom are German speaking international members. There is an annual meeting (2014 is in Dessau, a town in Eastern Germany from 26 to 28 September). The newsletter, “Der Krätzer”, is produced twice a year. Membership fee is € 60. Contact Hans Dieter Schulz at [email protected]
  • – Associazione Italiana Collezionisti Cavatappi: AICC
    The website has an Italian and an English version and is very informative. The club has 40 members. It holds two meetings per year and publishes two newsletters each year.
Corkscrew Collector Websites
French Language Sites