Library Archives

A great reason to be in a collecting club is to learn from other members.
Many CCCC members are keen researchers and prolific writers, and have been gracious enough to share their expertise in the articles listed below.
Anon1997German Trade Marks
Anon2024Daniel Low and Co. 1900 Catalogue
Arnbjerg2021Corkscrews for lefthanded people
Bandy2012Edwin Walker from a different angle
Barella2015Early English Patented Corkscrew Discovered [Osborne]
Barella2022Brass Wingnut Mitre Society
Barella2022Thomason's 1802 Patent Trade Card
Barella2022Controversies Surrounding Early British Corkscrew Innovations
Berndt2016Valentin Langenhan Christoph Sohn
Berndt2019Weapons, Tools and Corkscrews
Berndt2019German Korkstecher [Mono-Lame]
Berndt2020Who Knows What It Is [Henshall disc]
Berndt2021Hooked Cork Extractors
Berndt2021An Unusual Patent by Gero Artmer
Berndt2022Corkscrew by Hugo Böhme
Berndt2023Doorbells, Table Bells, and a Corkscrew
Berndt2023Franz Tiedke, Officer and Businessman
Berndt2024Ideas in Steel (Monopol)
Berndt2024Beer Bottles Corked and Wired
Bond2018Care of Corkscrews
Bortfeld2012Corkscrews in the news: part I
Bortfeld2012Corkscrews in the news: part II
Bortfeld2013Hawaiian wine corkscrews and Sam Parker
Bortfeld2023Williamson Souvenir Flash Corkscrew Collection
Brennan2019Displaying Corkscrews
Brennan2022Taking it on the Road
Bull2006Baby Bremen key
Bull2014Emil Polk's patent
Bull2015Dan Karner
Bull2015Gemelli's girls
Bull2015Gemelli's barmen
Bull2015Nugent insights
Bull2016Corkscrew Deliveries
Bull2015The Gemelli curl
Bull2016Durol Variations
Bull2017Jumping to Conclusions [Gorham; Paddock]
Bull2017Not for Corks
Bull2020Frazer Nash Car Club Corkscrew
Bull2021Corkscrew Rings
Bull2021Hochstadter and Levy
Bull2021Brian Cummings' Morpho
Bull2021Karner Update
Bull2022McCrary's Corkscrew
Bull2022"Ancient" Corkscrews
Bull2022Thomason Action
Bull2023The Great Bicycle Parade [Shreve]
Bull2024R.J. Powers Corkscrew
Bull2025Dalziel Corkscrew
Campnell2010Chasing a tramp [Syroco]
Campnell2014Crosby Pups
Campnell2014Crosby pups chapter 2
Campnell2014XL Syroco Scotty Dog
Campnell2017Crosby pups chapter 3
CCCC2017Constitution as amended December 2017
CCCC2023Constitution as amended July 2023
Cimagalli2014Italian Trade Marks
Cimagalli2017The Devil of Jehan Vibert
Clark2015Clark's Conundrum
Clark2019Another Clark Corkscrew Conundrum [cage]
Cunnington2023Corkscrew Books
Cunnington2023Corkscrew Videos
Dakers2012Another way to display corkscrews
Dakers2012Who made these [Henshall]
Desor2015The Valezina story
Desor2017The Copper Rush with the Copper Club Nifty
Ellis1992Columbus Day
Ellis1995Left handed levers
Ellis1996Weir'd corkscrews [Heeley; Pullezi; Wier]
Ellis1998Figural corkscrews and registered designs
Ellis1999Registered figural corkscrews
Ellis2000Patented Champagne cork grabbers not!
Ellis2001Finnish corkscrews
Ellis2002Making sense of combination tools
Ellis2003More on double helix corkscrews
Ellis2003The Hogarth corkscrew
Ellis2004Corkscrews in context bon viveur set
Ellis2004Corkscrews with attachments for opening Codd bottles
Ellis2005Corkscrews in context amber bar set
Ellis2005Conversation piece
Ellis2005Corkscrews in a material world
Ellis2005Corkscrews in context Funnel Bar Set
Ellis2006Corkscrews in context decanter set
Ellis2007Conversation piece [bows; Henshall]
Ellis2007The corkscrews and career of Charles Hull
Ellis2014Corkscrews in context Smoker and Drinker's Set
Ellis2014Double helix
Ellis2014One armed Italian motorcycle corkscrew
Ellis2014The Wenham ice hammer
Evans2019If You Find Yourself in Barolo
Fitzpatrick2019Golfer Corkscrew
Fitzpatrick2019Lund Lever Variant
Fitzpatrick2020Corkscrews with broad arrow markings
Fitzpatrick2021Royal Navy "Eyebrow" Corkscrews
Fitzpatrick2021Quelques Pinces à Dégoudronner
Fitzpatrick2021Haberdasher (T corkscrews)
Fitzpatrick2021Corkscrews with broad arrow markings addendum
Fitzpatrick2022Leg Pull
Gascón2021Sacacorchos Ra-Za
Gascón2022Corkscrew BOJ
Gascón2024Fernand Gratieux
Gascón2024Edwin Wolverson Lever
Gilbride2024With a Little Help From My Friends (Spielbauer patent)
Giulian2001Fakes of 18th century corkscrews the French cage
Giulian2007The tight cork
Giulian2009An English corkscrew displaying the royal arms of France
Giulian2009The cockfight corkscrew
Giulian2010Corkscrew silhouette
Giulian2010Corkscrews by Richard Singleton
Gralla2005If you show them they will come [canes]
Gralla2005System canes gadget canes cane curiosa
Gralla2017Fate of the Royal Shrapnel
Gralla2017What to do when you cannot find corkscrews
Gralla2017What to do when you cannot find corkscrews Part II [bottles; bin labels; tastevins]
Gralla2018What to do when you cannot find corkscrews Part III [bottle tickets; neck rings; collars]
Gralla2018What to do when you cannot find corkscrews Part IV [strainers; funnels]
Gralla2018What to do when you cannot find corkscrews Part V [coasters; slides; bottle stands; decanter wagons]
Gralla2018What to do when you cannot find corkscrews Part VI [decanters; carafes]
Gralla2021It's All a Matter of Fashion
Gralla2021A Shrapnel Update
Hunter2014Australian brass flatbacks
Hunter2014Triquip the opener
Hunter2017An Intriguing Roundlet
Hunter2022English Sporting Balls
Hunter2022Preston's Improved Power Corkscrew
Hunter & Meakin2015Dewars corkscrews
Husson2018Acrobat of Charles Sauvageot Collector
Husson2018Who is an expert in corkscrews
Island2011James D. Frary corkscrews
Island2021Earliest San Francisco Corkscrew
Janousek2017A Corkscrew from Russia
Jarema2024Silver Wing Champagne Tap
Kaesewinkel2003The small difference [Bodega]
Kaesewinkel2009Leduc An Austrian corkscrew
Kirkpatrick2014The ingenuity of John Adt
Lacinski2022Two-Prong Mystery
L'Africain2010Another note on Robert Murphy corkscrews
L'Africain2012Davis Puddefoot and the Detroit Cork Screw Company
L'Africain2021Door Securers with Corkscrews
L'Africain2022Atwood Combination Six
L'Africain & Campnell2017The Williamson Flash
Leopardi2020Mini Collection of Haff and Fairchild Patents
Leopardi2021Arts & Crafts Era Corkscrews
Leopardi2024ANRI Cotton Club Bar Set
Lopez2009The corkscrews of P.H. Vogel Co.
Lopez2012The Spanish silver corkscrews of Pedro Duran
Lopez2016Corkscrew Postcards by George Fyffe Christie
MacLean1987Thread pitch gauges
MacLean1988About plastics
MacLean1989Handle attachments
MacLean1989The Vulcan
MacLean1993Corkscrew publications
MacLean1993Frary patent
MacLean1995American wire by Walker
MacLean1996The Mumford cork extractor has a left hand connection
MacLean1997Bung Pullers
MacLean1997Gun Worms
MacLean2006Caveat emptor Singleton corkscrew
Meadows1997Three Infantas
Meadows2001Fingerprinting your corkscrews
Meadows2001Photographing corkscrews
Meadows2006Finding the Robertson Corkscrew
Meadows2006What makes the Cotterill tick
Meadows2007Dubious corkscrews
Meadows2007The gun tool
Meadows2008Austrian figural multitool
Meadows2009Too good to be true
Meadows2010Rabbits Revisited
Meadows2010The three rabbits
Meadows2011Anatomy of a very curious cage
Meadows2011Cages Part One
Meadows2011Gold and agate
Meadows2011Some interesting iron corkscrews
Meadows2013From the mystery bin [Curpat]
Meadows2013From the mystery bin [cage]
Meadows2013The Pitts
Meadows2014200+ year old corkscrew [knife]
Meadows2014A renovation project
Meadows2014An Italian Thomason
Meadows2014Archimedean worms revisited
Meadows2014Italian cages
Meadows2014Mid 18th century French multitool
Meadows2014Peg & worm v. gimlet & worm
Meadows2014Some interesting figurals
Meadows2015A Cork Pick
Meadows2015Grape press corkscrew mystery
Meadows2015J V Ruben
Meadows2015Photographing corkscrews
Meadows2016A Very Short Story [Pecquet]
Meadows2016New Bar Corkscrew Find [Famlee; Stover]
Meadows2016The Bloomsbury Steel Toy Works Part I [Plant]
Meadows2016The Bloomsbury Steel Toy Works Part II
Meadows2016The Loosely Coupled Worm Corkscrew Mechanism [Coney; Plant]
Meadows2017Corkscrew Handles
Meadows2017A Plant Thomason
Meadows2017Thomason Corkscrews Part I
Meadows2018Thomason Corkscrews Part II
Meadows2018Trials and Tribulations of inventing the Meccano corkscrew
Meadows2018An Unusual Hagenauer Find
Meadows2018An Old Karl Hagenauer Corkscrew Identified
Meadows2018Some Umbrella Corkscrews
Meadows2018Meadows Mechanism Revealed
Meadows2019Compendium of Bar Corkscrews update
Meadows2019A Plant Cellarman
Meadows2019More on Alarm Pistols
Meadows2019An Interesting Corkscrew and Question [cam]
Meadows2019More from the Bloomsbury Steel Toy Works
Meadows2020British Steel Neck Rings
Meadows2020Electro Cleaning
Meadows2020A Corkscrew Renovation Project
Meadows2020The Anatomy of a Very Curious Two-finger Corkscrew
Meadows2020The Anatomy of a Very Curious Two-finger Corkscrew, Part II
Meadows2022Fischer Ratchet Corkscrew
Meadows2022The Curious Incident of the blade in the corkscrew (Parfu)
Meadows2023The Fischer Tool Part II
Meadows2023Morgan or Devore?
Meadows2023An Interesting Corkscrew Puzzle [Wilkinson Patent]
Meadows2023Is there a German silver mechanical corkscrew in your collection?
Meadows2024A Corkscrew You've Never Seen Before (Nies patent)
Meadows2024 An Unusual French Corkscrew
Meadows2024Berndorf vs Leduc
Meakin2009Advertising corkscrews
Meakin2011Folding bow corkscrews
Meakin2011The Little Difference [Lund Lever]
Meakin2016The Little Difference Metal Bottle Handled Corkscrews
Morris2018Goberg's Menagerie
Morris2018Mini Collections Keys and Corkscrews
Morris2010The Syroco King
Morris, Taylor & Nugent2010Robert Murphy corkscrews
Nugent1988Thomas Curley's Corkscrews
Nugent1994Monce Woodward type corkscrews
OLeary2002Crosby pup update
OLeary 2006: 19th century American glass cutter tools
Ouvrard2020My Favourite Corkscrew Est! Est!! Est!!!
Paradi1993Corkscrew categories
Paradi2002Champagne and soda taps
Paradi2015The Boue story complete
Paul2019How to Display Ladies' Legs Corkscrews
Paul2019Prince Albert's Shrapnel Corkscrew at Osborne House
Paul2019Two Stray Dogs or a Plated Whelan
Paul2022A Doughty Corkscrew
Paul2023Mini Collections (Berkeley)
Peters2000Reproduction alert
Peters2001Maud's patent
Peters2014Belgian corkscrews
Peters2017Joseph Westby
Peters2017Update to Wallis' British Corkscrew Patents from 1795
Peters2017Update to Corkscrews British Registered Designs
Peters2019Solutions for Short Corkscrews on Pocketknives
Peters2019Pocketknives with device to ease opening the corkscrew
Peters2022Small and Miniature Corkscrews
Robinson2010Canadian advertising or place name corkscrews
Robinson2010The Syroco figurals...who were those guys
Robinson2014A long story about a short corkscrew [Jones]
Robinson2016A Cork Pick Update
Robinson2016Catalogues and Advertising: Primary Sources for Research
Robinson2018The Russell and Erwin Manufacturing Company
Robinson2018Translating Articles
Robinson2018Catalogues and Advertising: Humason and Beckley
Robinson2019Blake Brothers Hardware Company
Robinson2019Blake Brothers update
Robinson2019Fact and Fancy: The Farrow and Jackson story
Robinson2020Bridge Prizes of the Acorn Gift Shop
Robinson2020The Morgan Brothers of Freeport, Illinois
Robinson2020Folding Spoons With Corkscrews
Robinson2020The Will & Finck Story
Robinson2021Article of Jewelry and Method of Ornamenting the Same [Thiéry & Croselmire]
Robinson2021Brace Yourself: The career of B.J. Greely
Robinson2021Hook extractor patents
Robinson2022On The Trail of Mr. Doughty
Robinson2023M.D. Avillar: the man behind the parrot
Robinson2023The Lighter Side of Harry Negbaur
Robinson2023The Evolution of "Old Man Prohibition"
Robinson2023From Chic to Freak in the 1950s
Robinson20231950s Piglet Corkscrews for the Masses
Robinson2023What could possibly go wrong?
Robinson2024A Bit About Berkeley
Robinson & Meadows2017Update to Austrian Figural Corkscrew Design
Roger1999They are not corkscrews
Roger2001On the trail of T.S. Carroll
Roger2002More patents
Roger2003Another U.S. patent found
Roger2003More double helix corkscrews
Roger2004Another tidbit from Toolman
Roger2005Another decorative German key and hay fork
Roger2005Example of Chinnocks patent No. 406: found
Roger2005More tidbits from Toolman
Roger2005The Bremen key corkscrews
Roger200617 Function AMI Open All combination tool
Roger2006Another Murphy Found
Roger2006Triple double helix
Roger2007An uncommon common corkscrew
Roger2008Bacon's end a corkscrew go with
Roger2008Edwin Walker's crown cap opener patents
Roger2008Hand held can bottle closure removing tools
Roger2008Unusual cork press
Roger2008Walker's swages painters caps and ice picks
Roger2009Cork faucets stump extractors
Roger2009Patent partners
Roger2009The Millers Falls cork screw lever
Roger2009The stuff left over
Roger2009Walker Williamson bells associated variants
Roger2014Barrel keys
Roger2014Decorative German keys
Roger2014Tidbits from Toolman
Roger2014Unusual roundlet mechanism
Roger2014Update on decorative German keys
Roger2014Walker's Quick Easy gimlet boring facts
Roger2019Is This a Barrel Key?
Stanley2024Electro Chemical Beer Slide-out Corkscrews
Stevenson2012Alexandra Champagne taps
Stevenson2014Alexandra patent Champagne taps
Stevenson2015The Aylesbury Dairy Company
Stevenson2016Saving a Corkscrew From Death by Rust
Stevenson2017Auction Find Double Helix Bow
Stevenson2018A Longstanding Mystery
Stevenson2020Thame Museum
Stevenson2020Another Folding Spoon with Corkscrew
Stevenson2020Bovril Cork Extractor
Stevenson2022Corkscrew Talks
Stevenson2022Weird and wonderful tools on bow corkscrews
Stevenson2024Mini Collections (double helix)
Taylor2018Florida Flea Market Fun
Touzin2020An Antique Fair Find
Touzin2021Anatomy of a friction hinge bow
Touzin2021A new find (Boué)
Touzin2023A Verinder Bow
Touzin2024Unusual Hunting Knife (Lund Cornhill)
Various2006Alumium Corkscrews
Various2009The Little Difference
Various2014Highlights of show and tell
Various2018Displaying Corkscrews
Various2017Show and Tell
Various2018Show and Tell
Various2019Show and Tell
Various2019Most Wanted!
Various2019Best Find Stories
Various2019Corkscrews Given and Received
Various2020Fabulous Carvings
Various2020Collections Within Collections [Christofle, Hidden Corkscrews, Miniatures]
Various2024Mini Collections [GOBERG}
Various2024Mini Collections: [Hands, BOJ, Cork Picks]
Viney2021Williamson Bottles and cartridges
Viney2022Williamson Advertising Bottle and Cartridge Corkscrews
Wallis2019A Very Early Invention of a Champagne Tap
Wallis2024Corkscrew Prices Through History, Part 1
Wallis2024Work of the Devil
Walters1994Fakes frauds tomfoolery
Walters1998California corkscrews a San Francisco legacy
Walters2007Fakery on eBay
Walters2008A collection of fakes
Walters2011When Teackles attack
Walters2020Early San Francisco Corkscrews - The Bruce Levinson Collection
Walters2021Later Versions of the San Francisco Corkscrews
Walter2021Silver Overlay Corkscrews
Wright2011Must de Cartier bows
Wright2017Round Trip to Rioja Spain
Wright2019Alessandro Mendini, Anna G's Creator
Wright2020Odiot Corkscrew
Young2007Mumbly peg
Young2009A new find
Young2011A prototype of the swivel headed Snifter
Young2011More on Robert Murphy corkscrews
Young2011Mystery jar wrench
Young2011The apparent frustration of William Rockwell Clough
Young2012Haviland patent
Young2012Two Arments patents
Young2014A new corkscrew discovery
Young2014American combination culinary utensil
Young2014An impressive American combination tool
Young2014Have you looked at your roundlets lately